Warrior Survey! Please fill out this survey for 500 Perkville points! Estimated Time: 2 minutes Name (Optional): If you wish to leave this blank you can remain anonymous. Please DM email [email protected] separately to redeem your Perkville points.Did you used to or do you currently compete in a sport?YesNoWhat sport? How did you hear about us?Staff ReferralMember ReferralSocial MediaGoogleEventDrive By/ Building SignFlyer/ BrochureOtherPlease describe: Why did you become a member of X3 Sports? (Check all that apply) I wanted to make friends/ find a community of like-minded people I wanted to lose weight and/ or get toned I wanted to improve my mental health I wanted to learn a new skill I wanted to take martial arts classes Other: What is your favorite class?KickboxingBoxingFast TrackPower TrackFight & FlowYogaBrazilian Jiu JitsuMuay ThaiPersonal TrainingWhat class are you interested in that you have NOT tried before?KickboxingBoxingFast TrackPower TrackFight & FlowYogaBrazilian Jiu JitsuPersonal TrainingDo you have friends and/or family members that work out at X3 Sports?YesNoHow many friends and/or family members?12345+What is your membership level?X1X2X3Personal TrainingFamily PlanAge:18-2425-3435-4445-5455+GenderMaleFemaleOtherHome GymInman ParkWest MidtownMariettaNorth MariettaAthensHow long have you been a member of X3 Sports?0- 6 months6 months- 1 year1- 2 years2- 3 years3 years+Income:< $50,000$51,000- $80,000$81,000+I do not wish to respond.