CURRENT Brazilian jiu jitsu SCHEDULE

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Try out on of our Brazilian jiu jitsu classes and see what you can accomplish

Brazilian jiu jitsu CLASS SCHEDULE

For your convenience, the information below is filtered to show you the Brazilian jiu jitsu class schedule. If for some reason you cannot see it, please click here to view all class schedules. 

If you’re not a member, you can try out a free Brazilian jiu jitsu class by clicking the “Try Free” button next to the class you want. 

If you’re a member, click the “Members” button next to the class you want. 

You’ll be taken to a new page where you can submit your membership email address to claim your spot.


It’s time to expand your workout routine with a wide variety of training options! X3 Sports offers the best group workout classes. Members can choose from dozens of classes including Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Boxing, Yoga, Power Track, Advanced Boxing, MMA, Fast Track, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and more!

To sign up for a class, use the Brazilian jiu jitsu class schedule below to select a date and time that works best for you. If you aren’t a member yet, be sure to try out a free class at our gym or any of our other 4 locations.

If you would like to review all of our classes, click here. Otherwise, you can download PDF class schedules below


If you would like to review all of our classes at our different X3 gyms, select your preferred gym below to access downloadable PDF schedules for all X3 group workout classes. Remember, as a member of X3 Sports, you can attend classes at any location.


Try out one of our classes and see what you can accomplish.