A Beginner’s Guide to Group Boxing Classes

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    If you’re interested in trying boxing classes in Atlanta, X3 Sports is the perfect place to start. Boxing is an amazing way to burn calories (like a lot of them), lose weight, tone up, improve coordination, boost your energy levels, and—one of its lesser-known benefits—build confidence. To top it off, we all need to sweat out some stress every so often, and what better way to do that than to hit a punching bag?

    Even though you may dream of throwing jabs at the bag, that nervous hesitation that comes with being a beginner may be holding you back. I get it. It can be scary to take a boxing class for the first time, especially if you’re new to the area and don’t know anyone. Maybe you’ve already been an X3 Warrior for some time but Yoga is more your thing. Maybe you’ve been more the running type and feel intimidated by the thought of throwing punches. 

    It’s normal to fear looking goofy or to write it off as a professional sport. But the truth is, boxing classes are for everyone, no matter your skills, experience or fitness level. At X3 Sports, all types of people come together to sweat it out, work towards their unique fitness goals, and relieve some stress. Our group boxing classes combine strength and cardio alongside boxing technique, giving you a well-rounded, dynamic workout that will help you feel better and stronger in your body, no matter your endgame. 

    So, what makes X3’s boxing classes different (and, dare we say, better?) than those offered by other fitness establishments or boxing clubs? Why do we think boxing classes are a great workout? We’re glad you asked.

    Check out why you’ll love X3’s boxing classes in this brief guide:

    Our Boxing Classes are Beginner-Friendly

    If you’ve never stepped into the ring (or even thrown a punch), no problem! All of our trainers were once beginners, too, and our classes are full of people just like you. We believe that everyone has more inner strength than they realize, so our trainers work to empower you and bring out that Warrior within.

    If you’re the type of person who gets butterflies in your stomach when you think about being the newbie in the room, one way to take the edge off your nerves is to simply be upfront about your beginner status. Get to class a few minutes early, talk to the trainer, and let them know it’s your first class. Our front desk staff will also provide you with boxing gloves and hand wraps so you have everything you need for your first class. Not sure how to use those? No problem. Our dedicated team would love to show you how to wrap your hands and properly wear and use your gloves – just ask! 

    Once your class begins, our trainers will walk you through all the boxing and conditioning moves. They will keep an eye on your form to make sure you’re learning how to do every move correctly from the beginning. They will teach you proper technique, help you avoid common pitfalls, offer tips and pointers, and help you master new moves and drills. All of this instruction together will make sure that you’re getting a great workout while protecting your joints. Longevity is key and keeping our members injury free is of utmost importance for the professional trainers of X3’s boxing classes. 

    During the class, your trainer will load you up with healthy doses of encouragement and ensure you’re having a great time while you punch up your game. Before long, you’ll be jabbing to the upbeat music and all that nervousness will melt away. Maybe you’ll even feel comfortable offering a dose of inspiration to the next nervous novice who walks in!

    Boxing is a Total-Body Workout

    X3’s Beginner and Advanced Boxing classes will use your muscles from head to toe while giving you a great cardio workout. A study by Forza shows that boxing classes burn more calories than any other fitness class with as many as 800 calories burned per hour. Boxing is a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a type of anaerobic training in which you perform bursts of maximum energy output in between brief periods of rest. HIIT workouts are more effective at burning calories than less dynamic cardio workouts, such as running or biking, which makes boxing an effective tool for losing weight.

    Boxing classes also build lean muscle mass all throughout your body, notably in your core, arms, glutes and legs. As you duck, pivot, lunge and punch with heavy bag practice and work your way through other boxing drills, such as shadow boxing in which you throw punches into the air as though you’re sparring an invisible opponent, you’ll build strength while increasing your endurance and overall cardiovascular health. Boxing beginners will discover that punching is more about the legs and the hips than the arms. If you’re an experienced boxer, our instructors will help you evolve the training you’ve already had and find ways to turn up the intensity and fine-tune your techniques. 

    Every boxing class at X3 starts with a solid warm-up to get you loose and pumped up before you dive into the boxing drills, but we also invite you to come early and stay after class and take advantage of all the free gym space and cardio machines we have at the facility to extend your warm-ups and cool-downs. The 45-minute class will be packed with active movements and boxing skill training to really make you sweat. No matter how seasoned you are in martial arts, you’ll gain an appreciation for all the elements that come together—bobbing and weaving, combos, footwork, head movement, and more—to create an amazing and energizing full-body workout. 

    You’ll Learn Something New in Each Class

    Your body is great at adapting, so to avoid plateaus, you need to keep your muscles and your brain guessing. Changing up your workouts is one of the best ways to do that. Another reason X3’s boxing classes are so beneficial is because they’re constantly changing, not only from minute to minute in class, but also from class to class. 

    From day to day and trainer to trainer in your boxing classes, you’ll be using a varying mix of cardio-building, mobility-building, strength-building, dexterity-building, confidence-building, flexibility-building exercises (so much building) that will improve your fitness and keep you on your toes. 

    Our boxing classes always include some combination of formal boxing training like heavy bag work, shadow boxing, or focus mitt drills, paired with strength and conditioning exercises that build up your overall fitness. Here are a few of the exercises you might experience in a beginner-friendly boxing class:

    Bag work

    Bag work is probably what you think of when you think of a boxing workout. You’ll stand in front of a heavy bag and throw punches at it. Our heavy bags are industry standard at 125 pounds, making them a fierce opponent no matter your skill level. 


    Shadowboxing can be used as a warm-up or workout. You will throw punches in the air (at your shadow) instead of at a bag or a physical opponent. This drill is particularly good for gaining the muscle memory needed to get in the habit of keeping your hands up, but it’s also a great cardio exercise. 

    Focus Mitt Drills

    During focus mitt drills in boxing classes, trainers wear hand-held pads called “mitts” while participants punch the pads. There are many different kinds of drill combos, yet each one focuses on helping you improve your reflexes, technique or strategy. For example, in the “call and catch,” the trainer asks or “calls” for specific punches, and the participant executes them.

    Strength Exercises

    Strength exercises are activities that help you strengthen your muscles and improve your overall boxing fitness and abilities. These could include push-ups, planks, crunches, squats, and lunges.

    Conditioning Exercises

    Conditioning exercises help you improve your endurance through jogging around the room, jumping rope, or—that middle-school staple—doing jumping jacks.

    Try Your First Class For Free!
    If you’re a beginner, just remember that you’re learning a new skill, so be patient with yourself, take a break when you need one, and ask for help when you’re feeling lost. Our team at X3 Sports wants to see you excel comfortably and confidently. We’ll be with you every step of the way! We hope these tips help you feel empowered to take a boxing class at any of our X3 Sports locations in North Marietta, Marietta, Inman Park, West Midtown, or Athens. Sign up for your first boxing class FREE today and see if a membership with our active and motivated community of Warriors is right for you!

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