Boxing Classes for Beginners: 10 Things You Need to Know

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    Attending boxing classes might feel intimidating for beginners. Knowing what to expect ahead of time can calm a beginning boxer’s nerves and ensure participants have everything they need to have a great experience.

    Boxing Classes for Beginners

    10 Things to Know About Boxing Classes for Beginners

    Boxing classes are much different than other types of exercise classes. That’s why it’s crucial to plan ahead before starting boxing classes for beginners. Here are ten tips that will help new boxing class participants get the most out of their first class.

    1. Eat Healthy Food Before Your Workout

    During boxing classes, participants will have a rigorous workout that expends a lot of energy. That’s why it’s important to fuel the body ahead of time with foods that provide energy without heaviness. A mix of easy-to-digest carbohydrates and protein at least 30 minutes before your workout is recommended.

    2. Dress Comfortably

    Many people wonder what to wear to their first boxing class. The only rule is to dress comfortably and be able to move easily. There are lots of moves in a boxing workout besides punches, so it’s essential to wear clothing that allows for a full range of activities. Don’t wear anything that feels tight or restrictive. 

    3. Arrive Early

    Arriving early on the first day of boxing class is particularly important. Allow enough time before class to visit the front desk to get the boxing gloves and hand wraps needed for your workout. Gloves and wraps are available to participants in boxing classes for beginners to make sure those new to boxing can get the correct equipment and can learn the proper way to use it.

    4. Don’t Be Shy with The Trainer

    Everyone has to start somewhere and trainers always want to help new arrivals feel comfortable during boxing classes for beginners. Be sure to arrive early before your first class and speak with the trainer to let them know you are just starting out. Knowing which participants are beginners lets the trainer offer additional help and support throughout the class. Trainers can also explain how to modify moves and reduce the intensity to a beginner’s level to ensure a good first experience without injury or overexertion.

    5. Be Prepared to Work

    Boxing classes for beginners aren’t necessarily easy, even if they are at a beginner level. Boxers should be prepared to do various conditioning and strength training exercises during class that will get the blood flowing and elevate their heart rate. 

    6. Focus on Form First

    Some boxing moves may be familiar, while others will be brand new. Focus on learning the fundamentals of each activity instead of trying to keep up with the rest of the class. It’s natural for beginners to move slower than everyone else. Be patient and know that it’s far better to slow down and get the form right than to try to move through the exercises quickly and get injured. There will be time to catch up later! 

    7. Expect Varied Boxing Activities

    One of the best things about boxing classes is that they are never the same. So, arrive expecting to do various types of activities, including heavy bag work, shadow boxing, focus mitt drills, and strength and conditioning exercises. Trust that the trainers know what they are doing and will give everyone a great workout, even if the activities are not what was expected in a boxing class for beginners.

    8. Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthy Post-Workout

    While it is possible to burn up to 900 calories in a one-hour boxing class, it is not a good idea to try to replace all of those calories immediately after the workout. Instead, it’s good to drink a lot of water and eat a small healthy snack after boxing classes for beginners. Eating a healthy mix of carbohydrates and protein within a couple of hours of class can help your body recover after a workout.

    9. Don’t Worry About Getting Hurt

    Boxing classes for beginners are much different than actually getting into the boxing ring with an opponent. There is minimal risk of getting hurt during class, so pay close attention to the trainer and follow their instructions. Remember, everyone is hitting punching bags, not people. Fortunately, punching bags don’t fight back!

    10. Expect to Feel Awkward, Frustrated, and Sore

    One final thing to know about boxing classes for beginners is that it’s perfectly normal to feel awkward during class. That uneasy feeling of awkwardness and frustration will eventually disappear as participants master moves and gain confidence over time. 

    The same is true for the soreness that results from exercising muscles that might not be used to getting so much attention. Make sure to stretch before and after class to reduce soreness. Regular participation will make muscles stronger and less sore as the body becomes used to a new level of exertion.

    Try X3 Sports Boxing Classes for Beginners

    Beginners are always welcome at X3 Sports! Our boxing classes and expert trainers provide a beginner-friendly environment suitable for all fitness and experience levels. Sign up for a free class to get started!

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