Is Boxing Good for Losing Weight?

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    People looking for ways to shed a few pounds may wonder, is boxing good for losing weight? The short answer is that yes, boxing can be good for losing weight – if the exercise is paired with the proper nutrition and lifestyle choices. 

    Let’s talk a little more about what happens during a boxing session to answer the question, is boxing good for losing weight?

    Is Boxing Good for Losing Weight? Yes and No

    There’s no question that boxing is a fantastic total-body workout. During just one session, boxers will tone their arms, legs, and core while getting in a cardio workout that pumps up blood flow throughout the body. 

    Because it works every muscle in the body through a series of strength, balance, and cardio moves, boxing is a major calorie burner. It’s not uncommon for new boxers to burn as many as 800 calories during a one-hour session!

    However, there’s more to weight loss than burning calories. For those serious about losing weight, pairing boxing with the correct nutrition and lifestyle choices is essential. You can help make boxing good for losing weight by exercising regularly and paying close attention to what you eat and drink.

    And, of course, not everyone who participates in boxing does so to lose weight. Boxing has many benefits for physical and mental health that extend beyond weight loss. Many people box simply because they love it! 

    Here are a few reasons people love boxing that extend beyond weight loss:

    Build Mental Strength

    In addition to being a killer core, arm, and leg workout, boxing is great for building mental strength. Remembering combo moves and pushing through a challenging workout can help boxers become stronger mentally, which will carry over once the class is finished. 

    Get Physically Stronger

    Instead of focusing on the question is boxing good for losing weight, many focus on how boxing can help them get stronger. Gaining strength during a boxing class is a total body benefit, helping boxers perform daily activities easier and with less risk of injury.

    Learn Self Defense

    Boxing is unique among cardio workouts because it teaches self-defense moves that can be used to keep you safe in situations that make you feel uncomfortable. Simply knowing how to protect yourself can help ease your mind and make you more confident in all aspects of life.

    Make Friends

    Boxing can also be a social outlet. It’s fun to make friends with like-minded people who want to push themselves hard while having fun. Knowing that you will be seeing friends can make it easier to go to class on days when you are tempted to skip your workout.

    So, What Activities Are Best for Weight Loss?

    If you’re wondering “Is boxing good for losing weight?” you may also be interested in different workouts that can burn significant calories and help you reach your weight loss goals. 

    The good news is that there are plenty of workouts that can deliver similar results to boxing. For example, kickboxing is another workout activity with great health and fitness benefits. It includes more cardio than boxing, which may lead to faster weight loss. 

    Another option is Power Track. This class involves functional fitness moves, cardio, and weightlifting. By working the whole body from top to bottom, you will burn calories as you move and tone your entire body.

    The best way to lose weight is to find a fun activity. If your primary goal for finding a workout class is to lose weight, we recommend trying a few different classes. Enjoying your workout makes it more likely that you’ll stick to a routine, leading to lasting lifestyle changes that result in weight loss.

    Once you have found a workout you love, the next step is to pair it with the correct nutrition. Talk to one of our nutrition experts at X3 Fitness to learn the best foods you should eat to reach your goal weight.

    Is Boxing Good for Losing Weight? Answer for Yourself at X3 Sports

    The best way to discover the benefits of boxing for weight loss is to try it yourself! Fortunately, you won’t have to try it alone. 

    X3 Sports is all about community. Our experienced trainers will help you learn how to box safely, even if you are new to the sport. And you can talk to our nutrition experts to discover the best foods to pair with your workouts to reach your goals.

    We offer several types of classes and encourage you to sample several of them to decide which one is right for you. Try a free class today to experience the mental and physical benefits of boxing and answer once and for all, is boxing good for losing weight?

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