Kelly Engleka

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    “There are no big breaks. Only tiny drips of effort that lead to waves of momentum.” – Jeff Goins

    I immediately joined X3 in January 2015 after running a race and after getting the race pictures back, my heart sank. I didn’t think I was out of shape, but I knew I was overweight, a weird dynamic to say the least.

    I joined and jumped into everything X3 without taking a trial class. My first day was Kickboxing class with Joel Kasik. After class, he fist bumped me and asked my name. I went back the next day, and Joel remembered me – which meant one of two things: 1. He’s a genius and remembers all the newbies names or 2. I was so out of shape that I was hard to forget. Either way, the rest is history.

    I immediately felt welcome and at home at X3, that was anything but typical coming for a former member of LA Fitness and Lifetime Fitness. In March, I distinctly remember observing a Muay Thai class and fell in love with martial arts immediately. Late September, I started attending Mike’s PowerTrack class. After 4 months, I lost weight and enhanced my strength. One of the crucial components of my weight loss journey has been the transformation of my mind. Mike recognized the athlete’s spirit in me immediately and continues to encourage me to fuel, train, and recover like the enabled athlete I am.

    These days I’m at the gym 5 days a week, my routine usually consists of Muay Thai, FastTrack, and PowerTrack. X3 really is a family; it shows every single day I walk in the door.

    I’ve lost 30 pounds since joining, and my 32 year old body is more resilient than ever. My heart is so full, and my spirit is hugely grateful for Mike, Joel, and all of the lifelong friends I’ve created through mutual hard work at X3. I’m thankful for the gym, the people, and the process and I’m proud of the things I achieved in 2015 – the weight loss, cutting 30 minutes off my half marathon time, increased mobility, and so much more. SEE MORE OF KELLY’S STORY ON OUR BLOG.*

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