REGISTER HERE – https://tapcancerout.org/tournaments/
Registration begins 07 May, 2024 at midnight
Tap Cancer Out is a nonprofit charity organization founded in 2011 that unites the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community around a cause: ending cancer. They achieve this by hosting the most philanthropic BJJ tournaments in the world. All the proceeds are given to beneficiary organizations, which has resulted in over $5,900,000 donated to their beneficiaries.
If you’ve never heard of the tournaments, they are one-of-a-kind, to say the least. Instead of just paying to compete, tournament competitors can compete for FREE by fundraising on behalf of Tap Cancer Out and beneficiaries. Plus, the more you fundraise, the more prizes you can earn from their generous sponsors.
This is in addition to taking part in an incredibly well-organized and positive event.