The instructors are very credible, knowledgeable, and inviting. The overall experience makes working out something I look forward to every day.


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Change up your exercise routine with one of the best cardio workouts designed to help you lose weight, tone muscle, build arm and leg strength, increase energy, and boost your overall fitness. Our fitness kickboxing classes will teach you the technicals of this beloved contact sport, giving you confidence in the practice of self-defense. Reduce your stress levels and improve your body image. Be inspired by a group of athletes cheering you on the whole way. Sweat through an hour of calorie-burning fun and make lifelong friends in the process!

Fitness kickboxing is a high-intensity workout that is designed to tone muscles and shed unwanted weight. Through a series of hops, punches, kicks and pivots, your body will spring into action, melting excess pounds right off your body. This sport is heavy in movement, full of bouncing, shifting and stop-and-go movement.

After consistent practice, you’ll feel more confident and less stressed, ready to seize the day. Have you been wanting to grab the reins of your fitness routine and reroute your life? We have the secret recipe: fitness kickboxing.

Beginner Friendly Classes

Our professional instructors will guide you through class at your own pace. They’ll start at the beginning, offering technical information about the best way to maximize the intensity of your punches and kicks. They’ll teach you the best form to increase cardio and reduce the risk of injury, incorporating moves from other martial arts, such as karate. 

Our world-class trainers will cater your routine to meet your specific skill and fitness level, which makes these classes great for all athletic and experience levels! When you are ready for more of a challenge, they will turn up the intensity until you’re drenched in sweat and your heart is beating against your ribcage. You’ll never be bored because you’ll always be pushed to your limits with instructors who guide you to perform at your best. 

Real Heavy Bags
We provide industry-standard punching bags – all you have to do is show up. Hung from a bag rack, these 120 lb bags provide the exact resistance you need to tone your arms, abs, core and legs. Pounding against one of these heavy bags will increase your heart rate for a great cardio workout as you shed calories. Do you have pent-up energy or emotion in need of release? Punching one of these babies through one of our intense hour-long classes will relieve stress and put a smile on your face – 120% guaranteed.

Burn 700–900 Calories 

Lose weight up to 4x faster than traditional workouts. It is not uncommon to lose 10–15 lbs in your first month of consistent fitness kickboxing. One of our classes will burn as many as 30% more calories than a regular gym workout. By engaging in a consistent fitness kickboxing practice, studies have shown an improvement in maximum oxygen uptake, an indicator of improved cardiovascular endurance. Simply put, fitness kickboxing helps to improve your body’s ability to absorb and use oxygen so that you can continue to maximize the effectiveness of workouts.

Ditch the antiquated routine and reach your cardiovascular fitness goals far more quickly. You’ll be looking good and feeling like an athlete in a few short weeks.

Constant Variety
Never experience the same class twice. We constantly change workout routines to keep you challenged, both mentally and physically. Variety will keep your muscles surprised and your various muscle groups toned. Your endurance will be pressed to the max each class to help you burn the maximum amount of calories. Go ahead, flex your cut abs and biceps - you will have earned it. 


Fitness kickboxing is a whole body workout that will have you dripping in sweat, breathing heavily, challenging your strength and endurance, and cheering alongside other like-minded athletes. Join us for an hour of aerobic intensity and begin looking and feeling better in no time.

We receive a lot of questions from people interested in our Fitness Kickboxing program. Read our Fitness Kickboxing Questions Answered blog post for answers to some of the most common questions. It’ll help you prepare for your first class. And don’t forget to book your free class today!

8 Kickboxing Questions Answered
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