Archive for September 2021
Why You’ll Love X3’s Boxing Workout Classes
Whether you’re an X3 Warrior who’s interested in trying out boxing or someone who’s looking for a new (or maybe your very first?) boxing gym, X3’s boxing workout classes are a great option to explore. They’re an amazing way to burn calories (like, a lot of them), lose weight, tone up, improve coordination, boost your energy levels, and—one of its lesser-known benefits—build confidence. So, what makes X3’s boxing workout classes different (and, dare we say, better?) than those offered by other fitness establishments? We’re glad you asked. Check out why you’ll love X3’s boxing classes:
They’re Beginner-Friendly
Never stepped into the ring (or even thrown a punch)? Our Beginner Boxing workout classes are for you! Every class is taught by skilled, experienced trainers who know how to work with warriors who are just starting out.
Our trainers teach you proper technique, help you avoid common pitfalls, offer tips and pointers, and help you master new moves and drills, so you can get a great boxing workout while protecting your joints. And they’ll also load you up with healthy doses of encouragement and ensure you’re having a great time while you punch up your game.
If you’re the type of Warrior who gets butterflies in your stomach when you think about being the newbie in the room, one way to take the edge off your nerves is to simply be upfront about your beginner status. Get to class a few minutes early, talk to the trainer, and let them know it’s your first class. They’ll know to add a bit more explanation to the moves they’re asking you to do, and they’ll keep an eye on your form to make sure you’re learning how to do every move correctly from the beginning.
Boxing Workout Classes Exercise Your Whole Body
X3’s Beginner and Advanced Boxing workout classes will use your muscles from head to toe, plus give you a great cardio workout. Newbies will discover that punching is more about the legs and the hips than the arms, and more experienced warriors will learn ways to fine-tune their techniques.
And no matter how seasoned you are, you’ll gain an appreciation for all the elements that come together—bobbing and weaving, combos, footwork, head movement, and more—to create an amazing and energizing full-body boxing workout.
They’re Different Every Time You Go
Your body is great at adapting, so to avoid plateaus, you need to keep your muscles and your brain guessing. Changing up your workouts is one of the best ways to do that, and that’s another reason X3’s Atlanta boxing workout classes are so beneficial.
From day to day, class to class, and trainer to trainer, you’ll be using a varying mix of cardio-building, mobility-building, strength-building, dexterity-building, confidence-building, flexibility-building (so much building) exercises that will improve your fitness and keep you on your toes.
Classes generally include heavy bag work, shadow boxing, focus mitt drills, and strength and conditioning exercises.
Here are a few of the exercises you might experience in a beginner boxing workout class:
- Bag work: This is probably what you think of when you think of a boxing class. You’ll stand in front of a heavy bag and throw punches at it.
- Shadowboxing: This exercise, which can be used as a warm-up or workout, involves throwing punches at the air instead of at a bag or at a physical opponent. This drill is particularly good for gaining the muscle memory needed to get in the habit of keeping your hands up.
- Focus mitt drills: This exercise uses hand-held pads called “mitts” that trainers wear. Participants punch the pads without hurting the trainers. There are many different kinds of drills yet each one focuses on helping you improve your reflexes, technique, or strategy. For example, in the “call and catch,” the trainer asks or “calls” for specific punches, and the participant executes them.
- Strength exercises: These are activities that help you strengthen your muscles and improve your overall boxing abilities. These could include push-ups, planks, crunches, squats, and lunges.
- Conditioning exercises: Activities that help you improve your conditioning, like jogging around the room, jumping rope, or—that middle-school staple—doing jumping jacks.
Maximize Your Boxing Journey with X3
Embarking on a boxing journey with X3 is not just about the physical benefits; it’s a holistic experience that offers so much more. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned fighter, our boxing workout classes provide a platform for personal growth and achievement. Here’s how X3 can help you maximize your boxing journey:
- Mind and Body Connection: Boxing is not just about throwing punches; it’s about discipline, focus, and mental resilience. At X3, our trainers emphasize the mind and body connection. You’ll learn how to stay calm under pressure, improve your concentration, and develop a champion’s mindset. These skills will not only benefit you in the ring but in your everyday life as well.
- Community and Camaraderie: X3 is not just a gym; it’s a community of Warriors who support and motivate each other. You’ll find camaraderie and friendships that extend beyond the class. The shared experience of pushing your limits and achieving your goals creates a bond that can’t be easily replicated. Joining X3 means becoming part of a tight-knit, inspiring community.
- Personalized Training: While our classes are designed to cater to all skill levels, we also offer personalized training for those who want to take their boxing skills to the next level. Our experienced trainers will work with you one-on-one, helping you refine your technique, develop customized training plans, and set and achieve your boxing goals.
Fun and Excitement: Boxing at X3 is not just a workout; it’s a thrilling and enjoyable experience. Our classes are filled with energy, excitement, and a sense of adventure. You’ll look forward to each session, knowing that you’ll not only improve your fitness but also have a blast while doing it.
We hope these tips and tricks help you feel confident walking into a boxing workout class at any of our locations: North Marietta, Marietta, Inman Park, West Midtown, or Athens. And if you’re a beginner, just remember that you’re learning a new skill, so be patient with yourself, take a break when you need one, and ask for help when you’re feeling lost. Speaking of help, if you have any questions at all, you can always reach out to us or, if you’re in the club, visit the front desk.