The instructors are very credible, knowledgeable, and inviting. The overall experience makes working out something I look forward to every day.


X3 Sports Warrior
Kickboxing Icon


Boxing is becoming a popular workout choice among women because it’s empowering and offers a fantastic full-body workout. At X3 Sports, boxing for women in Inman Park is a key part of our classes. We welcome everyone, regardless of gender, race, orientation, or background. Leave any macho attitudes at the door!

In our Inman Park boxing classes, you’ll learn boxing basics, and essential self-defense techniques, make new friends, and burn more calories than with traditional workouts like running.

The instructors are very credible, knowledgeable, and inviting. The overall experience makes working out something I look forward to every day.


X3 Sports Warrior

Types of Boxing Classes for Women in Inman Park

Everyone’s journey into boxing is unique, so we offer different levels of classes to match your needs.

Beginner-Friendly Classes (All levels)


Our trainers will guide you through basic sparring and self-defense techniques. You’ll master the essentials like boxing stance, proper punching form, and defensive moves while getting an excellent workout. Sessions include heavy bag practice, strength drills, and shadow boxing to prepare you for sparring.

Our Inman Park trainers are experts at teaching both beginners and advanced fighters. You’ll learn techniques like combinations and feints to take on tougher opponents. They’ll assess your skill level, customize their coaching for you, and provide tips to improve your technique. Whether you’re training for health or competition, you’ll see improvements in strength, balance, coordination, and confidence.


Advanced Boxing Classes


At X3 Sports, our Advanced Boxing classes offer elite training with detailed instruction and live sparring with experienced coaches. Sessions include techniques like heavy bag workouts, shadow boxing, focus mitt drills, and strength and conditioning exercises. Ideal for competitive athletes and serious boxing enthusiasts, our program enhances hand-eye coordination, speed, balance, and overall strength. Whether you're preparing for amateur or professional matches, our expert trainers are dedicated to helping you reach peak performance and unleash your inner champion.


Benefits of Boxing for Women in Inman Park at X3


Boxing is a challenging yet highly rewarding workout. Women benefit from boxing as it builds upper body strength, improves coordination, and boosts confidence.


Improve Cardiovascular Health and Build Strength


Boxing classes for women in Inman Park are an exciting way to enhance cardiovascular health and build muscle strength. The high-intensity moves keep your heart rate up, improving cardiovascular endurance and heart health. Each session includes jumping rope, shadow boxing, and heavy bag work, which challenge your heart and increase stamina.

Plus, boxing is a full-body workout targeting multiple muscle groups, especially the upper body. Throwing punches works your shoulders, arms, and chest, while defensive moves and footwork engage your core and lower body, including your abs, glutes, quads, and hamstrings. This comprehensive workout strengthens muscles and boosts coordination, balance, and agility, leading to overall physical fitness.


Burn Calories and Lose Weight


Boxing is a form of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) that can help you burn 700-900 calories in an hour. This intense workout method requires a lot of energy, forcing your body to burn calories and boost metabolism—even hours after you finish.

What’s great about boxing for women in Inman Park is that it’s fun and engaging, making exercise something to look forward to. Besides burning calories, boxing relieves stress, builds confidence, and teaches valuable self-defense skills, providing a complete workout for both body and mind.


Relieve Stress and Find Community


Our Inman Park boxing classes for women are high-energy, thanks to our instructors who create a dynamic atmosphere from the moment you step onto the mat. Working out in a group is motivating and fun, helping you melt away stress.

Boxing lets you channel negative emotions and aggression into physical activity, providing a healthy outlet for stress relief, while the exercise releases happy endorphins.

And let’s not forget how satisfying it is to take out your aggression on a punching bag! Bad day at work? Going through a breakup? Hit a heavy bag – it’ll help release some of that pent-up anxiety. The energy has to go somewhere, right!?

Beyond stress relief, our boxing classes for women in Inman Park create a strong sense of community, fostering camaraderie and support. Training alongside like-minded folks who share your goals and challenges builds strong bonds and makes each session something to look forward to. The motivation and encouragement from peers and instructors make our boxing classes at X3 Sports Inman Park a truly uplifting experience.


Join Us for a Boxing Class!


Looking for an exciting workout in a convenient location? Check out boxing classes for women in Inman Park at X3 Sports. No matter your experience or fitness level, our skilled trainers will guide you every step of the way.


5 Convenient Locations to Choose From


By joining the X3 Sports community, you’ll have access to five convenient locations in the Atlanta, Marietta, and Athens areas.

We’re here to meet you where you are on your fitness journey. We offer two locations in Atlanta (Inman Park and West Midtown), two in Marietta (Marietta and North Marietta), and one off US-78 in Athens. Whether you're coming straight from work or after your commute home, you’ll find a boxing class that fits your schedule.


Book your free class today!

Boxing for women in Inman Park